#FF: @danclarke

#FF: @danclarke

I spend way less time on Twitter than I used to, largely because even my carefully curated timeline ends up surfacing all kinds of retweeted toxicity that I would rather not engage with. There are still some folks whose tweets I enjoy checking on occasion though, so in the spirit of the old “Follow Friday” tradition, I plan to highlight some of them here.

This week’s you-should-follow is Dan Clarke (@danclarke), a designer from England with a keen interest in video games. I first discovered Dan and his work in 2016 when he produced a limited run of posters featuring all 151 of the original Pokémon drawn with geometric shapes, and since then I’ve enjoyed his takes on everything from a Nintendo Switch redesign and Super Mario World, to Spelunky, Fez, and plenty of other game-related goodness.


Dan also shares a lot of his work on Twitter via @Arkotypeco, which as far as I can tell is a business account of sorts. Follow them both!



Simon Stålenhag's Forest Iron

Simon Stålenhag's Forest Iron